Odaki Waterfalls
Tsamago, Japan
Southern Iceland
Frozen in Freefall
Alberta, Canada
Opposites Meet
Ice Age Dream
Englishman Falls
British Columbia, Canada
Taranaki Terra
Manawatu-Wanganui, New Zealand
Laminar Becomes Turbulent
Alberta Canada
Goldstream Falls
Lace & Filigree
Contradiction & Harmony
Grotto Gem
Warm White Waters
Belize, Central America
Mahuia Rapids
North Island, New Zealand
Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
Gullfoss Chasm
Cold Fusion
Hole in the Wall
Flowing & Freezing
Odaki Waterfalls & Stream
Gullfoss Groundbreak
Feather & Flow
Tabor Canyon Trickle
Baja California sur, Mexico
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